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SYL COVID Guidelines Helpful Hints

SYL COVID Guidelines Helpful Hints

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COVID-19 Studio Guidelines

Please note, these guidelines supersede any other FAQ's noted below. If you have additional questions and/or need further clarification, please use our contact form here.


The safety & health of our clients & students, the SYL Team, our Community at large, as well as our families is our number one priority. We will continue to follow the guidelines set forth by all public health officials. With that, there will several required changes to how we run our business and manage classes going forward. We've noted below changes to several operational items within the studios, and please note, this is a moving target so things are subject to change without notice. You are required to follow any and all health and safety guidelines set by public health officials along with any additional studio requirements.


  • Cleaning

    • Though we always have tried to ensure the spaces remain as clean as possible, we understand that an increased level of cleaning procedures and practicing good hygiene is very important right now.​​

    • We've increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing within the studio spaces especially in high traffic areas.​

    • Cleaning products will be provided for you to clean you mats and equipment.

      • Please note, you are required to thoroughly clean all mats and equipment before ​and after class, (no exceptions).

    • Hand Sanitizer will be provided at the entry & exit of each space.


  • Use of Studio Equipment and other Amenities

    • For health & safety reasons along with guidelines provided by public health officials, effective immediately, we will discontinue providing the following​​​

      • Free use or rental of Yoga Mats​, Blocks, Bolsters, Straps, etc.

      • Face and Mat towels

      • Bottled water dispenser 

      • All showers and changing rooms will be closed until further notice 


  • Masks & Gloves

    • Social distancing will be required​, 6' minimum​

      • If you see a friend or fellow yogi you know, please wave to them in class (no hugging , handshakes or high fives)​

    • Gloves are not required to be worn but you are more than welcome to if you want to

    • Masks are required to be worn in the following circumstances:

      • Walking into and out of the studio

      • When anyone is within 6' of each other

        • To be safe, always wear a mask when not on your mat​

      • Instructors must wear masks if they teach​ any closer than 6' of a client


  • Class Guidelines and Procedures

    • Class sizes will be limited, this will vary depending on the location. Please ensure you sign up early to reserve a spot

    • Each practice location is clearly marked with yellow tape and a number on the studio floors and we will only be facing one direction when practicing with the instructor at the front of the class

    • All students must signup at least 60 minutes prior to class starting​​

      • All classes will be locked out online 60 minutes prior to starting, no additional signups are allowed, instructors will not have the ability to add you to the class manually. If no one is signed up at least 60 minutes prior to class starting, the class will be cancelled.


      • ​You can access your account through our website or Mindbody

      • If you have never done this before, you will need to create an account online. If you are an existing member but new to registering and managing your account online, once you login, you can “find and link” your existing studio account. If you have any issues, please contact us at the studio, we're here to help!

    • No drop-ins are allowed, no exceptions, regardless of space availability, unfortunately you will be turned away

    • Studio doors will open 15 minutes prior to class starting. If you arrive early, please do not congregate around the front doors, please wait in your car and/or maintain social distancing requirements at all times

    • Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to class start to ensure you have enough time to find parking, follow all safety protocols, settle in on your mat, etc.

    • Studio doors will be locked at the designated class start time, you will not be allowed to enter once the doors have been locked (no exceptions) and we will not issue a refund for the missed class.



  • Class Schedules

    • In most cases, class schedules are available the week before. Spots are limited, and we want as many students as possible to be able to take a class. As we continue to reopen, we will be on a modified class schedule, and as health guidelines change, we'll continue to add classes and instructors.


  • Operational Changes and New Policies

    • Yeah, we get it, rules aren't fun sometimes. Many of the changes we've had to implement are for everyone's safety. They include many of the restrictions required by state and locals governments as well as the operational challenges we have. Some of these may have already been listed above but please read through.

      • Showers and Changing Rooms

        • Everything is closed until further notice. Please arrive to class ready to practice. If you need to change clothes, please use the restroom.

      • Mats, Towels, Blocks, Blankets, Bolsters and Straps

        • These items will no longer be available for use or rent. Please bring your own mat, towel and equipment for practice. All of your items need to be sanitized before and after class. We know you can understand this is to reduce the transmission of germs and viruses.

      • Water

        • Water will no longer be provided, please bring your own filled water bottle. For the short term, we will not be selling any water bottles, food or other retail items.

      • When I arrive, what do I do? 

        • Though the studios all are a little different, guidelines for arrival are similar. You'll notice we've cleared out all non-essential equipment and furniture from the spaces. 

          • When you walk in, please ensure you have your mask on and keep it on until you reach your practice station/location.

          • Use the hand sanitizer just inside the door.

          • The instructor will then take your temperature using a contact less thermometer. If someone has a temperature of over 100.4 degrees, they will have to leave and cannot return until they have been fever free and without medical intervention for 3 days. Please understand, this is for everyone's health and safety.

          • From there you will proceed to your practice station/location.

          • When space is limited, everyone will be assigned a number and a station to practice at. Please "DO NOT" move from one space to another, stay in the space where you are directed to go.

      • Where do I put my mat? 

        • Each practice station/location is clearly marked with yellow tape on the studio floors and we will only be facing one direction when practicing with the instructor at the front of the class.

      • Where do I put my stuff? 

        • At each practice station/location there will be a small basket for your personal items: shoes, wallet/purse, keys, etc. Please "TURN OFF" your cell phone when you enter the studio or leave it in your vehicle. No one likes a phone to ring in the middle of Shavasana

      • What happens when class is over?

        • First, please put your mask on

        • Quickly clean your mat and any other equipment

        • Once you are done, wait at your station until the instructor releases you. You will released one person at a time by number in the reverse order you entered class. This will help ensure no one is stepping over or on top of anyone. 

        • Though we love seeing everyone's smiling faces, please "do not" linger in the studio, lobby, hallways, etc.​

      • What else?

        • HAVE FUN!!! Seriously, you may not have practiced for a while, so honor your body, maybe take it easy for a few classes and slowly build up your practice again. ​

        • Social distancing will be required​, 6' minimum​. If you see a friend or fellow yogi you know, please wave to them in class (no hugging , handshakes or high fives)​

        • When you're done, head home, take a shower and relax!

        • Welcome back, we've missed you!

      • Cancellation Policy

        • Due to state and local regulations, along with the health and safety of everyone, space for classes will be limited. We have implemented a cancellation fee for those who cancel reservations within 4 hours of class starting. You will be charged $10 for each occurrence. If you are not sure that you can make it to class, then please do not register as you nay be keeping others from participating.


​If you have additional questions and/or need further clarification, please use our contact form here.

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